Wednesday, November 17, 2010


I was surprised by how much I liked the movie "127 Hours" that we saw tonight, and also by how much I enjoyed meeting two people who are interning at another site here in the cities. The movie was the story of a man who went hiking alone, having not told anyone where he was going, and then becoming trapped for, well, 127 hours. The cinematography was astounding and the music was fantastic (I now need to look up John Pugh), but most importantly, the director shaped the film to show not only the importance of determination, but the need people have for one another. The film opened with shots of masses of people and closed with the same images, solidifying the reality that there are people surrounding people, but that most, or at least some, of the time we shut out those around us for whatever selfish reasons we keep. 
I had the opportunity to meet some other interns tonight, and I'm so happy I took it; meeting other people in person and conversing about our common interests was so refreshing for me. Hopefully, the network of people I'm finding here in the cities will continue to grow.

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