Friday, March 18, 2011


I have come up against something of a wall at work. Perhaps not a wall, but rather a hedge, or some heavy brush. Maybe like the grass-covered jumps that you'd see in those horse races, after which lies a few feet of water-filled ditch. Yes, I think that is what I've come up against. 
I'm already feeling stagnated in my job. I think the facility uses music therapy as song leading, and that there is potential that just isn't utilized. Now, I am the music therapist at the facility, and so I can and will shape the position and its programs as I see fit, but I'm finding that the staff likely doesn't know the applications of music therapy. For instance, I'd like to start using NMT techniques and experiences (I can elaborate on NMT if you'd like), but when I mentioned such a thing to one of my co-workers, she described it as "a crazy idea." Hopefully I will consider educating the facility an opportunity for myself, and certainly a challenge. I love challenges. I just hope I don't trip and drown in the ditch. 

Band: The Decemberists.

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